Me a farmer? Not likely…or so I thought.

It turns out I was destined to get into farming. It’s in my blood. My maternal grandfather was a farmer and my paternal grandmother was a farmer, so it was inevitable.

I always had a natural inclination towards plants but it wasn’t until I stumbled upon Aquaponics that my curiosity was truly piqued. After two years of research and a series of hemming and hawwing, I finally took the plunge and hired someone to build my first system.

I went against the grain and chose koi carp as my fish species. Why? Because they were beautiful, had personality plus a healthy resale value as they got bigger. I thought to myself that this would be perfect as my long-term retirement plan.

I started with a 30-plant system growing only lettuce.

As time and my experience progressed, I dabbled with chive, chadon beni as well as basil and all were successful. I was on to something–no major fish deaths and healthy, pesticide-safe crops; I could really do this! As I posted pictures of my progress, friends began to order produce. Within a few months I had regulars but couldn’t increase my capacity because I was limited to just 30 plants.

Luckily, our family had land that wasn’t being used and that seemed like the perfect opportunity to expand. Over the last three years I attended workshops on Aquaponic and Hydroponic Farming, Integrated Pest Management and Best Agricultural Practices as I desired to learn as much as I could.

What started as a hobby quickly turned into a micro business.

I truly believe when we get too comfortable, the universe has a way of forcing us to grow.

This is exactly what happened in January 2019. I was given notice of retrenchment by my employer of six years. There was disappointment and hurt and even feelings of betrayal but this wasn’t the time for a pity party.

I had a daughter graduating in less than six months so I put my Marketing and Advertising skills to work and quickly came up with a plan to expand my hobby into a full-fledged business.

Working with a graphic designer, I created content for social media and worked day and night getting the right look and feel of my brand.

The result was Green Thumb Growers TT.

I felt great about producing clean, safe and healthy food and I wanted to share this with everyone I knew. And so far, it has been amazing. Being able to deliver quality foods while fulfilling my own passion of growing—there’s no better feeling.

The learning curve over the last few months though steep–packaging, refrigeration, sanitization, and coordinating deliveries–was not insurmountable. I had a small team but I had a dedicated team-my daughter and my cousin Courtney. There were losses but there were also a lot of wins, but most importantly, this is merely the beginning of my foray into farming. And I hope you will stick around for the delicious and nutritious plant-filled ride ahead.

~ Lesley-Ann

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